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Detection, prevention and care of child sexual abuse

At the beginning of the year, we promoted activities around gender equality in our spaces; we built a violence meter that promoted reflection and knowledge of the rights of girls, boys, and youth against violence. We also carried out a diagnosis on violence and child sexual abuse in Malinalco in collaboration with the National Institute of Pediatrics and UNICEF, we consulted 14 instances and 299 adolescents. The diagnosis allowed us to identify the incidence of different types of abuse and violence to which minors are exposed in the community. To complement the research, we developed a diagnosis of municipal capacities in the prevention and care of sexual violence against minors, which allowed us to understand the existing needs in the community to be able to face this problem effectively.
Based on the diagnosis, we defined the importance of increasing sensitivity and knowledge on the subject. During July and August, we organized an online course taught by the experts of the Pas Foundation. In the course, 50 people from 13 different institutions were trained to better attend girls, boys, and young people on this matter. Among the trained institutions, the following participated: personnel from DIF Malinalco, the National Institute of Pediatrics, Aid in Solidarity with the Girls of the Street IAP, El Tecorral Casa Comunitaria, Malinalco Community Foundation, Orchestra of the New Mexican School, San Martín Elementary and Ameyalli. With this diploma, we confirmed and advanced in our intersectoral strategy for the prevention, detection, and care of child sexual abuse and we achieved that 100% of the participants increased their knowledge about the incidence of child sexual abuse in Malinalco.

Finally, during the last months of the year, we organized 13 focus groups with 94 participants: girls, boys, youth, teachers, mothers, fathers, grandmothers, and other protective figures within the community to understand the contextual barriers regarding the ASI complaints. The focus groups also functioned to enrich the base research we need for the creation of the community campaign that we are designing to raise awareness in the prevention, detection, and care of child sexual abuse in Malinalco.

Abuso Sexual Infantil: Text

"Imaginalco participants have suffered cases of child sexual abuse, I have had knowledge of two who turned to me. At that time I did not know how to help. Today,
if another case came, I would have many more tools to know how to act ... know how to talk to those who tell me and thank them for the trust they have in me. Being prepared or at least knowing how to act will help from now on in being able to better handle these situations. "

Elizabeth Noriega Hernández, 24 years old

Abuso Sexual Infantil: Quote

Detection, prevention and care of Child Sexual Abuse

As part of our efforts to protect the rights of children and young people, we promote a strategy to prevent, detect and address child sexual abuse (ASI). Through intersectoral alliances, community communication, training for local people, and a model of care for girls and boys who have been victims of this crime, we seek to mitigate the strong problems we face as a country.


  • We completed a diagnosis in which we consulted 299 adolescents and 13 institutions.

  • We conducted 13 focus groups.

  • We completed 1 diploma course in which 50 people and 14 institutions participated and in which all increased their knowledge about the incidence of ASI in Malinalco.

  • We design a specialized care protocol to accompany children who are or have been victims of ASI.

Abuso Sexual Infantil: Programs

Diagnosis results

Survey applied by the National Institute of Pediatrics in collaboration with Imaginalco to 299 Malinalco high school and high school students between 11-18 years old.

3. 4%

They have lived in situations where adults or people in positions of power have sent them messages or spoke to them in a sexual way.


has been touched in a sexual way without their consent or has been forced to touch someone else's private parts.


have ever been forced to show their private parts or see someone else's private parts


has suffered attempted rape.


has been raped.


of those who have suffered these events are girls.

Abuso Sexual Infantil: Infographics

"This program is very necessary, since it is a subject that is very neglected. Sadly, many cases are heard and nothing is done about it, out of fear, shame or because it is a taboo subject. This project comes to embrace and give In light of the problem that is so forgotten. I had the opportunity to attend one of the sessions in Imaginalco and it was very satisfying to hear the commitment they have, I felt hopeful. It is a project that was missing in our Municipality. "

Lizeth Castañeda Zamora, teacher in the community

Abuso Sexual Infantil: Quote

Thank you for helping us make this program possible!

Abuso Sexual Infantil: Text
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© 2021 Imaginalco, Laboratory of Imagination and Social Action AC

Page by Lorenza Kuri Breña Rosillo

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